Hello, I’m Anna and I have been a Homeopathic Practitioner for over 27 years, gathering a wealth of experience.
I approach Homeopathy based on personalized medicine with the understanding that every person is unique. It is like solving a good mystery. Together I identify the stresses, health issues and imbalances specific to you. Together we will look for the clues of your case history and then find the treatment that suits you.
Many people from the moment of their conception to the present day have been in contact with medications, hormone disrupting treatments, work-based chemicals, vaccines, and antibiotics just to name a few. The body has excellent ways of eliminating these substances, but they gradually accumulate, and our detox pathways are compromised, and clients can develop complex health issues that they cannot heal.
I work with the whole human chemistry using the most appropriate treatment for my clients.
This includes, classical Homeopathic treatment, removing blockages and balancing the system with remedy courses to support the body in getting rid of the consequences of harmful substances, constitutional treatment, support for the organs and organ systems with specific homeopathic remedies or the body’s own substances as a homeopathic remedy, support with orthomolecular supplements.
This is called Natural Balancing Therapy based on the work of Ton Jansen from Human Chemistry. What is “Human Chemistry & Natural Balancing Therapy” | International School for Homeopathy HDT
This is a new way to approach health issues and is aimed at clearing toxins and aiding the recuperative process of the body at a cellular level. This therapy can offer quick and lasting healing

Hello, I’m Anna and I have practiced Homeopathy for over 27 years and have a wealth of experience.
I approach Homeopathy based on personalized medicine with the understanding that every person is unique. It is like solving a good mystery. Together I identify the stresses, health issues and imbalances specific to you. Together we will look for the clues of your case history and then find the treatment that suits you.
Many people from the moment of their conception to the present day have been in contact with medications, hormone disrupting treatments, work-based chemicals, vaccines, and antibiotics just to name a few. The body has excellent ways of eliminating these substances, but they gradually accumulate, and our detox pathways are compromised, and clients can develop complex health issues that they cannot heal.
I work with the whole human chemistry using the most appropriate treatment for my clients.
This includes, classical Homeopathy, removing blockages and balancing the system with remedy courses to support the body in getting rid of the consequences of harmful substances, constitutional treatment, support for the organs and organ systems with specific homeopathic remedies or the body’s own substances as a homeopathic remedy, support with orthomolecular supplements.
This is called Natural Balancing Therapy based on the work of Ton Jansen from Human Chemistry. What is “Human Chemistry & Natural Balancing Therapy” | International School for Homeopathy HDT
This is a new way to approach health issues and is aimed at clearing toxins and aiding the recuperative process of the body at a cellular level. This therapy can offer quick and lasting healing
I offer both in person sessions for Homeopathic treatment at our Wellness Clinic in Maleny on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland or online sessions from the comfort of your own home via zoom.
To get in touch and make an appointment, enter your details below and I will get back to you ASAP.
What is Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine developed by German physician and chemist, Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), based on the principle of “like cures like”.
Hahnemann found that many substances, when administered to healthy people, could produce symptoms similar to those experienced by sick people. He also found that illnesses could be cured by using small, specially prepared doses of these substances, if prescribed on the basis of similarity of symptoms.
For example, coffee stimulates the nervous system and the production of urine. A homeopathic dose of coffee can cure a patient troubled with unusual mental activity and sleeplessness together with excessive production of urine.
In the last 200 years, the clinical effectiveness of Homeopathy has been clearly demonstrated and is acknowledged by the World Health Organisation as a valid form of health care. Homeopathy is used worldwide.
It is used in the treatment of chronic illness, acute conditions and minor accidents requiring first aid.
It is important to note that Homeopathy does not treat diagnosed conditions, but supports a person with whatever symptoms they are presenting, helping to boost their immune system and vitality.
Kind Words
How does Homeopathy differ from conventional medicine?
Conventional medicine is based primarily on the concept that disease are caused by harmful organisms such as bacteria and viruses. Treatment aims to either kill these organisms or to oppose the resulting local symptoms with drugs. Homeopathy views many symptoms in its quest to treat underlying causes of ill health. Therefore, mental, emotional and physical symptoms play an important part in determining treatment.
Homeopathic treatment strengthens a person’s health, acting as a catalyst, stimulating and directing the body’s ability to fight infection as well as resolving any underlying susceptibility to disease.
Click HERE to read a great article on Homepathy.
What are Homeopathic medicines made from?
Homeopathic medicines are derived from plant, animal, mineal and microbiological sources. They are prepared following strict homeopathic pharmaceutical guidelines and can be given as liquid or pillules. since the medicines are very dilute, they are safe and non-toxic when taken as prescribed by a registered homeopath.
A single dose or repeated doses of medicine may be given. These small amounts of medicine are sufficient to stimulate the body’s healing process.
Where illness has developed over a long time, several successive medicines may be needed during the course of weeks, months or years.
Is Homeopathy an effective alternative to antibiotics?
Homeopathy is an effective alternative to antibioticsin infectious diseases producting no toxic side effects and bringing rapid recovery. Homeopathy has definite treatment for most infectious diseases such as Sinisitis, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis, Meningitis, Otitis Media, Gastroenteritis, dystentry, urinary tract infection etc…
Homeopathy is the best treatment for viral infections. Viral infections such as common cold, influenza, measles, chickenpox, mumps, viral hepatitis, viral meningitis etc are very well treated with Homeopathy. The allopathic system as no curative treatment for viral diseases except infusing antibiotics under the pretext of preventing secondary infections.
Can you avoid surgery with Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is not against surgery, but there are a number of diseases labelled as “surgical” where Homeopathy works curatively and ca avoid surgery. Some such ailments are Septic recurrent tonsillitis, Appendicitis (except gangrenous), chronic ear discharge, vocal cord nodules, polyps in nose & ear, Kidney and Biliary small stones, small uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, warts, corns etc.
What does a Homeopathic Session involve?
Initial consultations may take-up to an hour or more however, acute complaints may only take 15-30 minutes. Information relating to current symptoms and past medical history will be required.
Questions may also be asked about diet, sleep, lifestyle, and about some mental and emotional aspects. Physical examinations may be required according to the particular complaint.
Can Homeopathic medicines be taken with convential medicines?
Homeopathic medicines may be taken in conjunction with conventional drugs without any adverse effects. However is recommended that the advice of an AHA professional homeopath be sought regarding this matter.
Who can benefit from treatment?
Homeopathy can be used safely for all conditions especially childhood illnesses, during pregnancy and breast-feeding. It is extremely effective in treating colds, influenza, fevers, diarrhea, acute swelling pain, injury, inflammation and other intense conditions.
Chronic diseases such as asthma and arthritis last a long time and tend to get progressively worse. Mainstream medicine can provide symptomatic relief or slow progress. Homeopathy, however, acts to repair damaged tissues and alleviate chronic disease.
Homeopathy works exceptionally well for acute stages of grief, rage and depression, and is also capable of helping long term conditions such as anxiety based disorders, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and depression.
Can you have a Homeopathic Session online or by phone?
Yes for sure!
Online sessions are wonderful for those people that cannot visit our Homeopathic Clinic in person. I have patients located Australia and worldwide, so you can access Homeopathic treatment from the convenience of your own home.
Free Guide
In our busy lives, with our long to do lists, family and work commitments and not to mention our rapidly changing world, anxiety and panic attacks are at an all time high!
For example, symptoms such as panic, fear, worry, avoidance and anxiety are symptoms that we can encounter. But there is help at hand in the form of Homeopathy, a proven alternative treatment option for anxiety related panic attacks.
We’ve created a guide that outlines some of the wonderful homeopathic remedies that can support and assist in times of anxiety and panic. And if you need further support you can contact our Wellness Centre to book a session HERE.