“Imagine that there is a tool that can open up the communication channels between your mind and your body allowing the body to “talk” identifying the underlying cause of illness and dis-ease and then identifying the best option to bring you back to health and wellbeing that tool is Kinesiology.”
Kinesiology is a form of therapy that uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to look at imbalances that may be causing disease in the body.
The aim of kinesiology is to restore balance to our physical, emotional and mental systems. Using muscle-testing to decipher where the body is holding imbalances, a kinesiologist draws on a huge tool box of skills from tapping and acupressure to botanical essences and talk therapy to restore equilibrium to the body.
How does Kinesiology work?
The essential skill of the Kinesiologist is muscle testing. This technique relies on the way your muscles are connected to your brain, that is, via your nervous system. Anything that registers in your brain as a stress is reflected in your nervous system and in your muscles.
When muscle testing is done with specific references and challenges, your brain will reveal what stresses you. The stress will be reflected in your nervous system and can be verified by the Kinesiologist by monitoring the response in your muscles.
This can be any kind of stress, anything to do with your health, work, finances, relationships, goals, specific events in your life, inherited patterns, learning abilities … anything at all.
After revealing the cause of the stress, muscle testing can then reveal the most appropriate solution. In other words, what is the best way for you to resolve this particular problem at this time?
Kinesiology works with mental and emotional stresses, physical problems, injuries and illnesses, and energy issues.
Kinesiology is not just for people with problems, but can also be used to fulfil specific life goals, enhance sports performance and generally improve the quality of life.
After revealing the cause of the stress, muscle testing can then reveal the most appropriate solution. In other words, what is the best way for you to resolve this particular problem at this time?
Kinesiology works with mental and emotional stresses, physical problems, injuries and illnesses, and energy issues.
Kinesiology is not just for people with problems, but can also be used to fulfil specific life goals, enhance sports performance and generally improve the quality of life.
We all have an innate ability to heal ourselves if we can.
When, for some reason, we can’t heal ourselves, our body mind will let us know that there is an unresolved problem that we need to pay conscious attention to. It does this with symptoms.
Rather than just shooting the messenger by managing or suppressing the symptoms, Kinesiology seeks to find what it is that is causing the symptoms; what it is that we are unable to resolve and heal on our own. Once the cause has been found, we then seek the best solution, the best technique/s for that particular problem – ones that will enhance our own natural healing ability.
For more information see the Australian Kinesiology Association website or give us a call on Ph: 5494 3004.
You can also book a session by clicking the button below.