Stress, we have all experienced it at some point in our lives, be it daily stressors or major life incidents.   Stress affects the ENTIRE body and limits your choices to think clearly.

You only have to think about when people give you bad news, they usually ask you to sit down first. This is because stress produces that “weak in the knees” feeling.

Think about when we are learning a new activity (reading, writing, driving a car, playing a new sport), negative stress can occur.  That stress becomes fused into and becomes an integral part of that activity. It then interferes with our ability to do that function well. And whenever we repeat that activity or activities of a similar nature any time in the future, the same negative stress is triggered and our performance suffers.

If we base our choices on our reactions to unpleasant experiences from the past, we can get locked into self-limitation, doubt, denial and self-judgment.

We then get “stuck” in patterns that keep us from experiencing the success we want in life, we no longer believe we have any choice concerning our future.

Stress may even manifest in individuals who have difficulty with reading, writing and comprehension, regardless of their age, may not be exhibiting dyslexia, but rather the observable symptom of its underlying cause – STRESS.

Our self-image is constructed over time by messages (either spoken or inferred) that we’ve received from our parents, teachers, peers, our environment and the experiences we have within our environment.

Stress perpetuates the negative self-image of “I can’t do that” or, even worse, “I’m stupid”. The self-image is not built on what is true, but on what we believe to be true. From that point on, all our thoughts and actions remain consistent with those lies, and we negate any input we get that doesn’t reinforce our self-images and accept only the messages that reinforce the negative image we have built up about our self.

Keep in mind this entire destructive cycle begins when a person is engaged in an activity, such as reading, and stress comes on line. “On line” meaning that subconsciously, the negative emotion and the activity have become fused. Then, whenever a person repeats that same (or a similar) activity in the future, fuel is added to this already existing fire and reactivates the same negative emotions. Even though WE have forgotten the original stressor, the BODY remembers and we say “I CAN’T” stress caused when a trauma “fuses” the emotion with the activity is easily defused with specific stress reduction techniques. Defusing the cause can change the self-image.

Changing the self-image can change the performance, changing the self-talk to “I CAN”.  People set up lifetime patterns that fuse the traumatic emotions of the past that influence our activities in present time. Kinesiology locates the experience that created that emotional or mental block and defuses the emotions that create the limitations preventing you from doing or having what you want.

In my experience, using Kinesiology techniques combined with Homeopathy helps you REGAIN your power of choice.  As a Kinesiologist, my philosophy is that each individual is the only valid source for the identification and solution of their problems.

As a Kinesiologist, I respect YOU as the only source for what you need to know to get better.

Remember, you are your own inner healer!

You must discover your own solutions. They are as unique and as individual as you are. Remember, resolving emotional blocks created in the past really does change your behavior in the present. And since your feelings in the present affect your future, you are changing your future as well!


Ready to restore balance to your physical, emotional and mental systems?! 

Anna and Peter offer both in person sessions for Kinesiology at our Wellness Clinic in Maleny on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

To get in touch or make an appointment click HERE.